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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 25, 2012 6:00am-10:00am EST

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we are looking out for you. >> good morning, everyone, on saturday, february 25th, the fight for michigan is on. three days before the primary, candidates are making a last push. who is on top? at this hour? we have surprising new poll results. and they show on may be running away with it. >>dave: no, the vice president stump speech ... turning into a bit of a ... a snooze fest. a kid dozing off as the president tries to push the new plan for college students. >> the war on smokers hitting new heights, lights out on your
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own property, in one town. "fox & friends" begins right now. we have dueling screens pause it is the spring fishing classic from bass pro on the right side of the screen. what a mild winter we have had. >>dave: on the left, the super bowl of nascar, daytona 500 this weekend. we are live there all morning. with a few of the drivers, and the big news is danica and what is happening in her career. >>alisyn: and now, right to politics, obviously it will be a big week with the michigan primary in arizona, so, mitt romney, obviously, michigan is a must win primary for him for a couple of reasons.
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it awards 30 delegates and it is his home state. if he lost that, it would be a crushing blow. the good news is that after the debate on thursday night, his numbers are, and these are freshly release the rasmussen poll, his numbers are back on top. >> mitt romney getting a nice surge after the debate performance on the 22nd of this week with 40 percent. santorum needed to hit a home run during the debate and a lot people thought he dropped the ball and did not capitalize open his recent three primary win or caucus win a few weeks ago. >>dave: either way, this is going the distance when you look how the delegate count will break down and psychological it would be devastating if romney loses in his home state. newt gingrich lowering his own expectations. he seems to think mom will do very well on tuesday.
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>> the winner i think in michigan and arizona will be romney and santorum second. when romney goes negative and he buys enough advertising he is formidable and i think this will be a decent day for romney. >>alisyn: depends on whether you think the surge is because he has gone negative. or because of the debate performance. people think that moved the needle. when people were polled after, 33 percent thought romney won, versus 13 percent for santorum. and 9 percent for newt gingrich. >> but the spending if michigan was not a gingrich and romney situation. rick santorum spent a lot of money. >> he had a valuable point flooding the airway with the ads. but romney out of the campaign trail yesterday in the detroit
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economic club, and it was interesting that ford field had to be moved from a smaller venue. but, first, this is the first unscripted moment during the detroit economic club event. look at screen, a hot of reporters were there and they remarked how vast this place was, and, look, licks is about perception, right, so you have a back-and-forth, the white house tweaking why did they do it there, and romney campaign firing back, well, we moved it, we had to. >>alisyn: the detroit economic club said they sold out 1,200 tickets quickly and they needed a bigger venue. so they got this big venue and they may have overshot. >> my high school in pennsylvania would have had, you could soviet that in the gym. >>dave: it was a strange move but here is what romney said yesterday in terms of his economic map forgetting us back
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on track. >> i love this country. i should love this state. it feels good being back in michigan. the trees are the right height, the streets are just right, i like the fact that most of the cars i see are detroit-made automobiles, i drive a mustang and a health pickup and my wife drives a couple of cadillacs, actually, and i used to have a dodge truck so i had all three covers. >> that was the unscripted moment. >> a last the legal talk shows layed that sunday pit, "i like cars, i like trees," and he --. >> you do not say that in a prepared speech. >>alisyn: mitt romney is rich. where is the shame in it. his wife has two s.u.v.'s, well, they are rich. what is the problem? by new we know that. >>dave: if you are surprised
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bit fact that she has a couple of cadillacs you have not been listening to the narrative. he is rich. this doesn't hurt in terms of any surprise here. but, again, the optics of the day did not go exactly. his campaign team has been top notch. that was not their best day. >> and senator santorum had this to say of his endorsement in 2008 of mitt romney. take a listen. >> my endorsement, you know what, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. i supported emergency when it was down to romney and john mccain. i knew john mccain and what kind of conservative would be and i landed with romney and he proved me wrong. he endorsed the "wall street journal" -- the wall street bailouts. >>alisyn: he said he endorsed
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him well after romney care, so, now, he is changing his tune. >> and calling him the most conserve testify candidate. here is video of pancakes together, sharing pancakes, and this will was in 2008 enjoying opinion cakes together. >>alisyn: you are family. >>dave: and santorum called romney saying he will stand up for conservative principles we held dear and this was well after romney care was instituted in michigan. that could come back to hand him. >>alisyn: does paying taxes, does paying more taxes than you currently are, is that the patriotic thing to do? are you a good american doing your duty if you volunteer or you believe in paying more taxes? geithner alluded to something leak that this week in which he said, basically, that is what americans should feel good about
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doing. >> don't try to subsequent rate more revenue for tax reform if you doesn't ask the most fortunate americans to bear a larger burden for the riff of being american, then you have to have unacceptably deep cuts and benefits for middle class seniors oren separably deep cuts if national security. >> one person who agrees with that sentiment and that is vice president biden. back in 2007 saying paying taxes is patriotic. >> time to jump in, time to be part of the tell, time to help get america out of the rut and the way to do that --. >>alisyn: let me, he did not say it meant you were a good american but for the privilege of be american maybe you should be more. he is not alone. that is the debate. warren buffett has said
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something similar to that, and as i well know, there is a lot portion of americans that don't pay federal income tax. here are the numbers for you. back in 1962, 23.7 percent of the country did not pay federal income tax. it dipped there as you can see in 1970 but it has chimed since that to the point where it is almost 50 percent today. >>dave: it is staggering when you look at the increase. 15 percent in just over a decade. why is it increasing so rapidly? we will ask michael graham who is a columnist for boston herald and a radio talk show host. why do we ask for the wealthy to pay more when 1/2 the country does -- when half the country does not pay. >>alisyn: and we have a breakdown of who is not paying. so stick around for that. and now, while you were
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sleeping, nelson mandela was hospitalized, and the 93-year-old's privacy was asked to be respected . in 1994 he was the first black president after spending 27 years in prison for his fight against the racist apartheid rule. his public appearances have become increasingly rare and last year he was hospitalized for several days for a breathing infection. >> first cocaine and now heroin found in the uganda hotel room where a producer died this week, adding to the theory that he was a drug mule not the victim of a random poisoning. and a large amount of cocaine was found in his stomach and he may have swallowed it. the police were at his hotel door and his assistant found in
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the troop, and she now is involving and the hospital reportedly will not talk about what is happening. she will be kept in the country until they decide whether to press charges. the death toll is rising in afghanistan over protests. at least seven more people were killed yesterday bringing the total to 25 people dead since tuesday. hundreds more have been winded and two u.s. soldiers were among those killed and throughs of afghan have taken to the street. president obama has apologized. >> did you remember this moment? >> if you are 65 eligible for medicare you should have to pay $6,400 more than you have to today. >> that was vice president biden caught sloping or, maybe county meditating, during one of president obama's speeches last year. >>dave: no head bob going on. >>alisyn: deep thought. it looks like --.
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>>dave: this was a little head bob. >> take a look behind biden when he took the microphone at an event in north carolina you can see the guy overtime president's shoulder, struggling to stay awake and this is karma, a big hit on the intent. >> that give, can you imagine, now, you are all over the news this morning. rick? rick: don't fall asleep now it is weather time. our turn to nap. >>clayton: 50 miles per hour wind gusts; that right? rick: windy across the east coast today and it will continue and at any time we will taper off but a major storm moved through with the temperatures cooling down a lot over the last
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24 hours. if atlanta it is 32 degrees colder than 24 hours ago so major changes. and 25 degrees colder in charlotte, so, a lot of colder air and it felt like spring across the northeast, down to the southeast, but this is the front that mid through and all we have left is lake effect snow flurries and heavy rain in south texas and the pacific northwest and the next storm is pulling in and heavy rain, big mountain snow and that will pull into the northern marines -- plains today. >>clayton: pay attention to this, a christian pastor sentenced to death in iran for refusing to recant his faith, so, can anything be continue to save him? >> and the i.r.s. has more than $1 billion to give out. could you be one of the many taxpayers waiting for a check? we explain.
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>> the life of a 34-year-old christian pastor is in jeopardy, after sentenced to death in iran. political leaders around the world are condemning this conviction. but he could be executed at any time. so, what will it take now to set him free? the journalists and mideast expert has been following this case closely and joins us this morning. lisa, thank you for being here. what is the latest? >> the islamic regime denied everything, from the verdict, saying no execution order has been put out and at the same time denying he was charged for turning from islam and say he is being charged with rape and
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other crimes. >>alisyn: the fact they say in execution order was mandated, is they are backing off of it does >>guest: when they change their tune it could mean one of two things: this is a if sign because they are changing their mind, scaling back a bit because of the international pressure, as we know it has been a huge issue around the world. and, second, it could be something that could actually be worse, because they could execute him on this rape and other crimes they are alleging. >>alisyn: the state department came out this week and demanded or asked for his release and this has gotten international outcry. what can be done? >>guest: so, international outcry and international pressure is the best we can do, the united states has no diplomatic ties with the iranian regime and we are looking for another country, another player to be the pivotal player here and to negotiate for his
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release. any country that has a large enough christian population could help him, or they understand the severity of this case. and, they would then speak out on if of the global community. but this has reached so many countries that are joining the campaign to free him and there is a tweak with under a million twitter accounts. so this is working. we have to apply the pressure. >>alisyn: do you thing he will be saved? >>guest: this can go obviously, in two possible directions. he is an icon. they will make a statement around this case. it could be that we will free him and we are ben ever length or they can say, look, this is with we are, flecking our muscles and we will be men of
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our words and this is strike against christianity and against the west, the war of ideology. >>alisyn: please keep us posted. president obama rolling out a new plan to cut tax rates for corporations. but, will it actually end up hurting rather than helping pull business owners? then, lights out on your own property? the war on smokers is going to a the war on smokers is going to a new extreme. [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first wee.. i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior,
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>>clayton: president obama has a new tax proposal, simplifying the tax code eliminating dozens of tax loopholes. will it save corporations tax or hurt small businesses? >> so, we will ask that question, does this help small business owners? >> not remetly close. what happens, it further gives the uncertainty to the small business owner, and it value dates that the administration has a great handle on big corporations and what they need. that is fabulous because they part of a landscape but what he is missing is 60 percent of job growth comes from small business and it does not address the needs for small business but hurts them. we are saying you do not understand how we function, day-to-day with our own employees, and, heres again, they show they do not have a
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clue. >>clayton: some republicans are saying this is a good first step and others saying businesses are falling through the lop home -- the loophole cracks. >>guest: first, the fundamental thing toed in -- to understand about small business owners, they are taxed byville tax rate. if you do not do overall reform you did not help the small businesses, so, simplifying the individual tax rate, a big corporation does not go under individual tax rate, that is a different code. so, what we need is reform on our side. it is complicated: he did not completely fix the problem but togetherred it so you took a complicated system, it makes it a little less but you have to figure a way through it telling
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the small business owners to put more administration hours to figure it out. >>clayton: so you are a small business owner, do you hire an additional person to handle the paperwork now? >>guest: not if it was simplifies it would be 1,000 time done, but it is so complicated we have to outsource it. i don't know if what my tax guy it is legitimate because i cannot check the work. is, hours of accumulating this stuff, which is new our administration work, and another guy does it and we help he knows what he is doing to get the best deduction and now the doses, we only had a few, most of them apply to big corporations but the few that asupplied to small businesses they are gone is now i will pay more, it is more complicated you and did not address my major issue and i employ 60 percent of the new job growth. >>clayton: you know your stuff. the president, on the large
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corporation side is doing what he can but small business is still a long way to go to figure that out. great to see you. coming up, he says can you not drill your way to lower gas prices so is algae the answer? [ male announcer ] this is lawn ranger -- eden prairie, minnesota. in here, the landscaping business grows with snow. to keep big winter job on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can't live under a dome in minnesota,
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>> president obama talked about rising gas prices today and he focused on the positive things the administration has done for energy prices. in other words, the shortest speech he has ever given. okay? >> probably solyndra was not mentioned. and we are paying what, $4 a gallon for gas where i live. $5 is a reality for a lot of customers. >>clayton: some suggestion it could take up to $6 a gallon. president obama out there speaking about it. and he is talking about green energy, and, continues to mock
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drilling saying that is all their answer is for the republicans, drilling, drilling, drilling, not offering green initiative jobs and ideas. he also hit on an interesting idea, algae. >>dave: speaking of green. >> we are making new investments in the investment of gasoline and jet fuel, made from a plant like substance, algae. you got a bunch of algae out here, right? if we can figure out how to make energy out of that we will be doing all right. believe it or not we could replace up to 17 percent of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in the united states. >>clayton: algae? algae? >>dave: that was not the joke. >>alisyn: the algae part, that
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is funny, but, the park to we can figure out how to turn it in interest fuel it will work really well. well, that's --. >>clayton: a number of experts, i have read this stuff about algae and they have managed to figure how they can make biofuels out of it, no more odd that corn. >>dave: but let's try to bring the rice of gas down and do all we can to extract the oil we can right here in our own borders. newt gingrich picked up on the am gentleman line and had fun with it. >> my favorite part of the president's speech explaining drilling went self it. what will solve it is algae. now, i'm trying to get a jar of algae for my speech tomorrow because i figure the national
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press corps won't be able to resist. >>clayton: you can combine the moon colony with algae ... >>dave: for newt gingrich to call something "weird," it must be out there. >>alisyn: send us an e-mail at and now military is release the name of seven marines killed in the helicopter training accident this week including major tom butrecko, a husband and a father, and lance corps, who left a widow pregnant with his first child. most were killed when the two helicopters collided midair over the california desert and the military is trying to figure out what caused the corporators to crash. the i.r.s. is calling on those who did not file 2008 tax runs
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with $1 billion in unclaimed refund money for that year, that cash likely left over from people who for got to file or thought they would not be entitlemented to a refund s that you? the deadline is april 17th to claim your cash. it sound like a sting operation. maybe they will all get arrested. don't claim that cash. first it was public parks and restaurants and now lawmakers looking to prevent you from smoking in your own yard in california, with the city council considering making it against the law for smokers to light up outside. on their own property. after a homeowner complains about the neighbor smoking. and while on a break from military training session in las vegas a marine decided to try his luck at a casino and because of one slot machine the 26-year-old now has more than $1
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million reasons to smile. >> i hit the bonus round, i spun the wheel, and it stopped on the dollar sign, and i was like, look, what does that mean? and he said, my god, you won. >> dollar sign means good. he did not win any prize, but he hit the jack president for more than $2.8 million. he said he will use the money to help his mom and sister and is thinking about buying a new car. >>clayton: that is a skill, playing the slots. rick: not that bad right now, but look at the maps because there is cold air, colder than it has been this week, so many
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had spring fever, but not yet, it is still february. in the northern plains, two degrees this bismark, and this week in minnesota, lake very by this time of year, all lakes would have a lot of ice, not that much here, just beautiful, 13 degrees, today you will get up to 25 and this afternoon there will be flurries flying in there. and now the forecast for today, across the northeast, left over snow from the system we dealt with yesterday, and winds moving across the lakes and lake effect snow and not that bad across the cities and in the southeast, we are talking about a were nicer day and cooler that yesterday with temperatures in the 50's and 60's and the rain is done and in the northern plains we are talking about a ties day and the snow comes in this afternoon and across the west, we are looking at a big storm in the pacific northwest and clear to the south. back to you. >>alisyn: they will like that
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snow. thank you. gentleman, stat your engines. a big weekend for racing. nascar's daytona 500 kickoff tomorrow and we will cover the race all week. >>dave: did you see that "lady and gentleman." all about the lady this year. >>clayton: joining us from daytona, florida. >>reporter: this is the quietist we will see all weekend, everyone getting excited about the daytona 500 tomorrow, and joined now by a couple of friends on our show, thank now being with us, and larry mack, a nascar analyst. >> good morning. thank you, guys for being with us. and, now, first, jacqueline, you are interactive with the fans, over two million followers on
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facebook, what kind of updates are you giving? >>guest: we are bringing fans stuff they cannot get anyone else on facebook and twitter, a way to bring the inside scoop to the fans and interact because we meet so many each week with our. free experience at the midway at all the racetracks and we are hanging out with the fans, bringing the inside keep of what is going on with the products. >> 200,000 people expected to pack in. what is the best part of the job? >> right here in victory lane. it is quiet now but on sunday it will be wild. >> larry, as nascar governor vis i am thinking the daytona 500, everyone says it is the super bowl of racing. >>guest: when we come here to day tomorrow, it is where nascar started in 1949 and the event has grown and grown and grown
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and we run 36 nations from valentine's day to thanksgiving but you want to win at daytona. when a driver goes through a career and they don't win at daytona even if they won a championship they feel like there is something missing. >> and last year, everyone talked about danica. could she take it? >> any driver, any driver that takes the green flag on sunday can go to victory lane. the last ten daytonas we have had ten different winners. >> thank you, so much, guys, and back to the studio. >> and danica is looking very good for this race. >>alisyn: coming up, real navy seals using real like file in a movie based on their real
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scenarios and we talked to the directors of "act of valor." >> more ladies now hitting up the shooting range. eeeeeeeeeeee!
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don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods just like we do introducing freshpet healthy recipes of fresh meat and fresh veggies so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view...
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and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. >>alisyn: from hollywood, even super models, ladies are
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gagging their -- are gagging their -- grabbing their guns. >>dave: the trend is besting the economy and up 42 percent. and a woman who recently got a gun in washington, dc, a "washington times" columnist. it took longer to get the gun permit than you imagined. but the numbers are through the roof. you say even more are participating in shooting. >>guest: well, really, the numbers are at highest, ever, 43 percent of women, now, report they have a gun not home and one if four women personally own a gun and it is like guns are cool, in a lot of ways but it is both parallelling the overall sales of gun, gun ownership, the highest in the united states, and, also, we have women who want to defend themselves, and it has gotten to be not so much
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a man's thing to defend them but women can do it. too. >>alisyn: you wanted a gun and you had a heck of a time getting one, what were the obstacles? >>guest: washington, dc has the west in terms, the worst laws in the country in terms of getting a legal gun. in order to get it it took me four months and $450 in fees and several days off work. so, i could not count the levels of frustration it took me. i finally got it, and i have been to the shooting range, and you know what, it is worth it because it is a blast to shoot a gun. >>alisyn: pun intended. >>dave: is it about protection or about sport in why are so many more women grabbing guns today? >>guest: mostly about protection. crime in washington, dc, crime just this year in the first two months is up 40 percent, violent crime, so, with guns, it is
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mostly self protection in this country. but, also it is about a demonstration that is very antigun and the numbers have gone up during the obama administration, both in terms of people buying guns, federal background checks, the f.b.i., and manufacturers, and one of the few publicly traded companies, gun manufacturers, we know their numbers they have such a back order, and their stocks are threw the roof, they cannot supply their back order so if you order a gun it will take months. same thing for another gun company, seven straight years of higher sales which has never happened and the company is 500 years old. >>alisyn: now that people are into guns they are doing things like marketing pink guns and pink holders, is this cute or demeaning? >>guest: well, personally, pink is my favorite color but
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when i ordered a gun i want add again that would scare someone, and i want add gun that the bad guys, high gosh she has a gone so i got a big fullize 9 millimeter that is black and silver and no misstating my gun is lethal weapon. >>alisyn: not a lipstick holder. thank you for sharing your personal experience. very cool. >>guest: ali, you think about getting a gun, too. >>dave: we don't want her packing heat. coming up, caught on camera, a bus driver attacked but now he is the one in trouble suspended for not just waiting for help. is this fair?
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>>alisyn: one of the most talked about movies of the year "act of valor," starring real life navy seals that are active duty. the rest of the movie is just as intense, joining us, now, are the directors of the policemen.
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gentleman, thank you for being here. so, i have the pleasure of seeing this movie about a month ago and it has haunted me. in a good way. i told my family about it because it is a real life changer of a movie. what makes it so powerful? >>guest: it is such a unique experience because you are not watching an actor lay a character and it has a subconscious reaction. that invests the audience more in the movie because it is not fake. it is real. >>alisyn: you used real life active duty seals, guys would normally avoid the spotlight. >>guest: we had to around their trust. look inside their community and explore what telling their story would look like, and we were blown appear, we thought it was
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mythology, but, remember, ten years of sustained combat deployment on this community so the stories that come from that as filmmakers we had for tell them. >>alisyn: you never see the sack credit first back at home. >>guest: that is the real heroes. and we got immersed in the culture to see what the wives go through raising their children and we wanted to show that in the film and people see the sacrifice from the entire family. >>alisyn: although you have a milk name of "mouse," you are former tough gives and you were stunt men, so, what was the most intense part of filming? >>guest: it was rewarding to be challenged and to have your background and history as a professional stuntman to be in the middle of the live exercises. so it was fantastic opportunity
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to be challenged mentally and physically. >>alisyn: what was the most expense part, live fire? >>guest: as a stuntman you do thinks once, and it is calculated to watch these men and some of the sequences you have seen, where it is orchestrated chaos. for us, being in the middle of that with live fire, are they both going where they are supposed to be, because bullets are spinning and flying, it was such a thrill we tried our outmost. >>guest: i heard a review of this movie on the way to work and someone said it feels like propaganda good. >>guest: this film is about sacrifice. everything you see has happened to someone on a battlefield and there is a lot of sacrifice in the movie and we showcase the risk involved. it is really counter to that and
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does not equate. >>guest: we are not not military and never have been and we financed the policemen and this is not a propaganda film. so, can you understand why people say that because they have not seen the movie and we say hold your opinion until you see the movie. >>alisyn: these guys go back to their life as navy seals, back to duty after this, there is no basking in the after glow of this great movie for them. scott and mike, a great movie, thank you for joining and explaining "acts of valor." >>clayton: are americans raising a generation of helpless kids? my guest says "yes," and we need to let them fail.
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to help you achieve more balance. interested? let's talk. looking good. (bike bell) >>alisyn: three days before the michigan primary the going candidates making a final push and reports show that mitt could runaway with it. >>dave: don't worry about voting the election is over. the white house doubling down on president obama's grant he will have five more years to fix the country. what do you think? >>clayton: he was the one attacked but a but driver is suspended from his job. watch this video. you have to hear his story coming up. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now.
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>>alisyn: still a good morning, we have bass pro here on the right side, with their spring fishing classic. and we are all going to be fishing on the plaza later on today. >>clayton: spring is almost here. >>dave: you should see how ali fishes. >>clayton: we are like in daytona beach, florida, the biggest race of the year. >> i don't remember if they changed the start, if they say gentleman and lady, start your engines. they have to i assume. danica is not new to the racing circuit but making her debut, she will be the entire story. people, start your engines.
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people, start your engine. >> we will have more on that coming up, but, first, politics, because there week is a big primary in michigan. and, all eyes on that and arizona. but for romney michigan, is, really, a big moment for him. if you look at the new poll numbers, he has gotten a bunch from the debate on when. he gets 40 percent to santorum's 40 percent, and 10 percent to ron paul and 9 percent to newt gingrich taken on the heels of the debate and people were asked if the debate moved the needle for them, and many said, yes, they believed a third of the respond antis believed that mitt romney won that debate and it changed their vote, they told rasmussen. >>dave: you wonder if they thought it was romney's performance or santorum's flub,
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about the team sports comment. i don't if that swayed the voter. >>alisyn: he was winning. rick santorum on monday night, three days of budget debate, he was ahead of romney by 38 percent to 34 percent so something changed. >>clayton: something shifted. and romney, yesterday, at ford field and an interesting backdrop address the detroit economic club in talking about the economic policies basically trying to rally the city of detroit. take a listen. >> i am not promising every day will be easy or there will not be sacrifice and hard work but i am promising every day is on track to get things better and better, i have the best chance, the only chance, and some people this morning, reading twitter, some are trying to compare what the ford field choice was like, to howard dean's screen moment following iowa. >>dave: strange comparison, but you would rather have a
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packed small house than a 65,000 person football field. >>alisyn: in the face of a couple of hours all 1,200 seats sold out and they needed, they decided a bigger venue. >> so politics are perception and that is the issue and the applause was hard to hear. so the applause lines that you could not hear. >>dave: romney is on fox news sunday tomorrow so that will be a question for chris wallace. mitt romney is the man that san sap endorsed just four years ago and that is one thing that is being held against him saying that mitt romney ws the man to best represent conservative principles after, of course, the passage of romney care in massachusetts. rick santorum talked about his support for mitt romney on
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friday. >> my endorsesment, you know what, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shale on me. i supported mitt romney when it was down to romney and john mccain, i knew john mccain, and i knew what kind of conservative would be, so i went with romney and he proved me wrong. he endorsed the wall street bailout and for big government programs there. >>alisyn: no comment should use that politician, they get tripped up, and i love that expression, fool me once, i love that express. but you are calculating. that is first thing. here is what is happening. rick santorum, some people, i am one, think he is being candid. here is what has happened in four years. here is how i explain the evolution but people did not like it. they said he is losing support. because of how he voted and how he spoored romney.
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>>clayton: and in 2008 they were arm in arm having pancakes together, romney and santorum and here they are at a campaign stop in 2008, sitting down and enjoying breakfast pancakes and santorum called it a representative of conservative values and the conservative alternative to john mccain. >>dave: and the other man, newt gingrich, remember when he said, i am going to be the nominee, his overconfidence turned some people off. do we want overconfidence in our elected officials? president obama is very confident heel be back not office. >>alisyn: he is the president when he was asked how he has not accomplished his agenda on immigration. >> i have another five years coming up, we will get this done. >>alisyn: you can make the agent you do want your president to be confident. you do not want to feel like you are the lame duck leader.
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i don't know if i have it in me to win. you are president. of course he has to say. >> but do you take it for granted that reelection is inevitable. that is the problem with incumbency. this inevitability of always being there. it has an air of i'm always here and i will be here. >> this is the same president who said not long ago he would rather be a very good one term president than an average two term president and said he would get things turned around in the first year so i don't know if this gel but the spokesman for the president standing by his man. >> the president is confident about would vision is best for the future of this country, about which person will be a president over the course of four years between 2013 and 2017
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to put in place the economic policies that will ensure middle class families get a fair shake, that when we compare the president's vision for achieving an economy that fulfills those values he will win. >>dave: that was not james carney but his second in command. >>alisyn: do you think the president is being confident or taking it for granted? and now, something new. antiapartheid icon, nelson mandela has been admitted to the hospital. he was hospitalized last year for breathing infection. and he continued to receive treatment at home after being discharged. he is considered the founding father of south africa's democracy, was last seen in public during the closing certificate point of the 2010 world cup. >> if you details in the death of a producer, police are saying they found bags of heroin in the hotel room where he died, and
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this proves their theory that he was a drug mule, not the victim of a random poisoning. the medical examiner found a large amount of cocaine in his stomach. police believe he may have swallowed it. and also in the room, a woman was found passed out, but she is not talking about what happened and police will keep her in the country until they decide whether to press charges. >> it will hurt more next time you fill up at the pump. gas prices while you were sleeping shot up another three cents with the average of $3.67, a 14-cent hike in a week. and 30 cents higher from a month ago. california has skyrocketed 25 cents to $4.25 and diesel is more than $4 a gallon and many americans are outraged, and
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president obama says there is no magic bullet to fix the problem. >> he was kicked in the head and stabbed with a pe next while trying to stop a passenger on his bus with a knife. but the 39-year-old driver did not follow protocol, he should have waited for assistance and not confronted the passenger who was attacking him, and he said he was trying to stop a heated argument over a cell phone and he -- she was charged and the bus company is investigating. >>alisyn: you should be able to defend yourself and not wait for someone to come on the bus and help you. >>clayton: someone attacks me with a pen i will not just wait for the cell phone call to get the police there. rick: you thought it was
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spring, right? winter is back. winter storm moving in and tonight and tomorrow, it moves in and we will see up to 8" of snow. and this is another storm for tuesday that looks like it could be potent with windy conditions and snow, but, across the west we had the storms yesterday and seven reports of tornadoes across georgia and south carolina and that is gone and this is the tail end of the front, and that is far south texas and any rain in texas is good rain and the storm into the pacific northwest and we had record breaking warm temperatures in california and that will change and it will have a return to winter. the high temperatures today, 30 in minneapolis and no one looking that bad, tomorrow we see the cold air moving into the northern plains and that will move across the south. guys? >>dave: neck and neck for the race for the g.o.p. nominee but a chance of a brokered
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convention not likely. but my next guest says, not so fast. what do you get when you combine the home depot with this weekend? the cure for cabin fever. because with get-it-done savings on everything we need... we can turn this weekend into a fresh floor... or an updated bathroom... or a brand-new look. so let's hit those orange aisles, and make today the day, we make a big difference,
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delicious campbell's soups fill you with vegetable nutrition, farm-grown ingredients, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's -- it's amazing what soup can do. and can help you keep a healthy weight. (crickets chirping) you might just wanna trade that one in. ♪music announcer: during the bass pro shops spring fishing classic save up to an extra $100 on a new reel when you trade one in. like an extra $20 dollars off this carbon lite baitcaster.
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>>clayton: the race to the g.o.p. nomination is neck in neck. if it stays this way there could
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be a brokered convention or an open convention in august. but not karl rove, he said this. >> are you now willing to say this is a possible thing? >>guest: as remote as life on pluto. >> my next guest says rove is wrong. >> joining is a political strategist. you disagree with karl rove. >>guest: it will not be the first time he has been wrong. i wrote this week i thought it was possible, not likely but possible to have a brokered convention, a convention in which no one has enough votes on the first ballot and, therefore, a combination of the candidates form a ticket to produce a nominee, or an open convention in which a candidate emerges in big, late primaries, california, new jersey, new york and goes to the convention as a dark horse, both of them are possible.
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>> rove says it math does not add up? >> you have more proportional primaries this time than four years ago, so, for example, in georgia, if newt gingrich won georgia, or santorum, they will not sweep all the delegates and there will be proportional delegates for romney and the other candidates. so some of the folks like ron paul can get a number of the delegates without actually winning the states. >>guest: so, continuing to split the feel. from the beginning romney has had an enormous advantage of split opposition. the fact that conservatives have been unable to coalesce around any one candidate has allowed him to win a plurality but romney has never gotten 50 percent. >>clayton: why are we talking about this? because there is dissatisfaction with the republican race? the republican field right now? so there is the idea that at the
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last minute governor chriscy could throw his hat into the ring? or sarah palin, her hat into the wing? ocean donald trump. this is great dissatisfaction. 63 percent of republicans wish there was another candidate. so the inestibility and the electability of romney has come into question. so, i think the party is not in love with any of the candidates and they are if love with the idea of beating president obama so if a candidate like a chris christie or daniels or donald trump emerge you could have a lot of excitement. >> you disagree with karl rove it is a possibility of brokered? >>guest: i agree with karl rove it is unlikely but you sit down with a calendar and numbers and states like new york and new jersey and texas where rick santorum still leads, it is
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entirely possible. >>clayton: are american parents leading a generation of helpless kids? my guest says yes. you decide.  it's time to get going.
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to have the energy to turn a "to do" list into a memory. to put more giddy-up in our get-along. to keep stepping up even in overtime. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's... ... and mix a little more hop in our hip hop. thanks to the energizing support and cushioning of
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dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, your feet will feel so good... ... you'll want to get up and go.
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>>alisyn: first, $70 billion is the estimated amount of money for prescription drug abuse
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costs the united states in a year. the problem is now "an epidemic," and 67 percent of women admit "unfriending people," on facebook. finally, $2.10 was last year's average pay out by the tooth fairy, and show is felling the economic slump down from $2.50 kids received in 2010. dave, take note. >>dave: are we raising a generation of helpless kids? my guest is the author of "generation i why," our last chance to save their future. good morning, tim. we are all guilty of this, you are looking at the most guilty parent, around, in terms of rewarding the kids and you want temperature to build that
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self-esteem, we do not wait kids wait. what is the problem with that? where does it hurt them later if life? >>guest: i thought as i looked at the students we worked with, we will not late them fail, fear , fight, or fall and we want them to be happy. but long term, the adult world does not work that way and when we graduate we are moving into a world where the bosses doesn't care if you showed up for class on top. >>dave: you have to avoid this. let kids fail. describe that. >>guest: early on, if kids are in a contempt of love and support and they believe you and love you, with a skinned knee, on the lay ground or failing a
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test, i got an e-mail last year from a professor that said sheehaned back the first set of test and a girl got a c minus and she never got a c minus so she has a meltdown in class. well, with a meltdown, everyone, looks around, and she pulls her phone and starts texting mom in class. mom texts back and says call me right away. she calls mom right there in choose. next thing, she wants to talk to you. so mom can negotiate a b minus rather than a c minus. >>dave: parent has is not good. tip two, be a develop have it covered brick. >>guest: we have created images and the develop have it covered brick is a way of saying, on the outside lots of support and love, i believe in you, but, brick on the inside, we are leading this family by values and principles and we
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will not make it easy, we underchallenge the kids today. we made it simple. >>dave: tip three, let kids be independent according to their age. tip four, when a child is young, parents should impart on them they are loved and it is special. >>guest: there are two sets of messages. first ten years, you are loved, valued, you are safe. but the next tenders, life is difficult. and you are not that important and it is not about you. in the contest of love that is important. teens, i am afraid we saying, you are all awesome. a most recent report shows 80 percent of college students plan to move back home because they are not ready. >>dave: it is okay to say
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"no." >>guest: my mom and dad said, see you, have a great life we will pray for you. prepare to live a life where your parents are not needed. >>dave: great tips in this book. thank you. privacy? what privacy? shoppers get ready for stores to know your face when you walk through the door. [ male announcer ] this is lawn ranger -- eden prairie, minnesota. in here, the landscaping business grows with snow.
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to keep big winter job on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can't live under a dome in minnesota, that's why there's guys like me. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- philip junior list, ♪ [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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regiright from your office. you deposit checkse. so sitting at your desk is just like going to the bank. see? i'm at the bank. now i'm in the office. at the bank. in the office. at the bank. in the office.
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>> vice president biden's speech in north carolina today a man on stage was falling asleep. the worst part, it was actually joe biden. >>clayton: speaking of -- the vice president has fallen asleep during president obama's speech before. >>alisyn: we have seen that.
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>>clayton: maybe it is after lunch. >>dave: never have the speeches at 3:00 in the afternoon. >>alisyn: a man fell asleep and he was positioned right behind the vice president, they put him up there and he is snoozing away. and the content of the speech, of what joe biden was saying. >>dave: this is perfect. >> it is clear that america is tired of being tired. the american people have decided it is time to get up. time to get in. we're tired of being tired and told that we are in a long, slow, drift. >>clayton: i am tired. you are very sleepy. you are very sleepy. you are very tired. >>dave: the guy kind of woke
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up. you cannot make this stuff up. >>alisyn: the vice president does not realize his powers of persuasion. >>dave: and they had the background behind him so he had somewhere to rest the head. >>clayton: from long meeting. >>alisyn: it looks like you are reading. >>alisyn: i do have some headlines and we have a fox news alert. two american advisors have been killed in afghanistan. this happened at the interior ministry in kabul and we do not know what led to the shooting, the advisors were involved in a training mission, and this comes as a 5th straight day of protests in afghanistan and thousands have taken to the street after koran as were burned at a u.s. military base and 28 people have been killed in the protests no word on
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whether this is connected. and a christian pastor's life is hanging in the balance, after being sentenced to death for refusing to recant his religious beliefs and turn back to islam. the political leaders are condemning the conviction. is that enough to set him free? we were joined by our guest with more on the matter this morning. >>guest: this can go in two possible directions. it could be that, look, we will free him, we are benevolent or they can execute him and they will say this is who we are, we will be men of our words and this is a strike against christianity and the west. >>alisyn: he is just 34 with a wife and two children. a creepy case of life imitating washington, some of america's laws will look like this scene from "minority report."
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just like minority report, malls and stores and bars now looking to install facial recognition cameras that target advertisements specifically to you and will track your spending habits and the idea is possible in florida, to help businesses provide better customer service. many are concerned this is a huge violation of privacy. and now, a new jersey teen's dream is coming true, an 18-year-old is battling leukemia and his wish was to go to the senior prom with, as his date --. >> most attractive guy out there, so having a date like that, amazing, i felt like she would not, taylor swift could
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maine feel like a prom date. >> swift responded to kevin and the bad news is she says she can't go to the prom with him. but the good news is, she invited him to be her date at academy of country music awards, instead. that is even better. he accepted and said it is better than he hoped. >>dave: he is not sure his health will be good enough. rick: prom, academy country music awards. not bad. and now a look at the maps, a cool start to the morning, feels like winter, maybe, compared to this week. 39 in dallas, and we had temperatures this week into the mid-and-upper 80's in texas and feeling like summer and that is gone after the cold front. today, across areas of the northeast, we will see left over snow from the storm that moved through yesterday account winds
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kicking up, and lake affect snow but temperatures not that bad and right around average, 43 in new york, where you should be this time of year and windy at times and to the south we are talking about a cooler day than yesterday with temperatures 20 degrees to 30 degrees lower with rain across south texas and areas of florida. miami is still nice at 80. and the northern plains, we will see the snow move into merchandised in and, tonight, into areas of men and women and across the west, a big storm in the pacific northwest and 1' to 2' of snow in los seattle. >> and the annual spring fishing classic at bass pro shop. the best professional bass
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fisherman joins us. the spring fishing classic kicks off. what is it if you are headed over to the bass pro shop. >>guest: the fishing classic runs through march 11, a great time to come out and enjoy the classic and learn about new products. we have all kinds of things going on: free fishing seminars, prize giveaways and amazing deals on new products. we have stuff for the kids. >>clayton: so they can come and fish and do "catch and release." >>guest: yes, we have catch and release set up and you can lend how to cast and it is just great fun. >>clayton: if you would like to get back into filibustering and -- back into fishing and you go to bass pro shop they can help you. >>guest: classes are taught by
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the best professional bass fishermen in the country and it is all free. >>clayton: if you want to buy products, too, you can see the new products. and there is a rod and reel. >>guest: this rod and reel combination is on sale for $99, a $150 value. >>clayton: never seen a rod and reel that small. >>guest: it will catch your bass in the poconos. >>clayton: and you have the cover to keep it protects? >>guest: you finish using your rod you can take this rod sock and it protect your guides from getting scuffed up and chipped. when you put it in the truck it helps keep the products in good shape. and we have a cover that covers the reel and did the same for
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$3.97 each. >> you would catch every fish in the upon. next is the hottest thing to hit bassing in the last 30 years and i have been it in a long time and i have never seen anything take the fishing world by storm, the deadly five shad, a five work setup and you put different baits on the bottom, it attract as big bass. i shot a tv show in missouri and caught a bunch of big bass and it is on sale, for $14.99. >>clayton: wonderful, and you will be here all morning taking us through all the merchandise as part of the bass pro shop classic. >>alisyn: we look forward to what you catch. >>dave: coming up, the president continues to press for the rich to pay their fair
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share, and the new numbers say half of americans pay nothing for federal income taxes. (crick) you might just wanna trade that one in. ♪music announcer: during the bass pro shops spring fishing classic save up to an extra $100 on a new reel when you trade one in. like an extra $20 dollars off this carbon lite baitcaster. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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>>clayton: brand new reports of an attack outside the presidential palace in yemen. a homicide bomber killing 20 people, coming moments after the brand new president took office miles away. the leader known to be tough against al qaeda and our extremists. and a month after being criticize for revealing she has
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type two diabetes paula deen is planning to offer lighter versions of her recipes but did not expect her to swear off butter altogether. guys? >> don't you dare. the president hitting the campaign trail with his message on leveling the playing field. >> everyone should get a fair shot. and everyone should do their fair share. >> fair share. >> fair share. >> pay their fair share. >> fair share. >> everyone doing their part. >> fair share. >>alisyn: only half actually are doing their part, with 49.5 percent of people in the united states are paying no federal income tax. >>dave: we have radio talk show host from boston this morning. michael, the trend that is
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surprising is to see in 2000 it was 34 percent of people paying no federal income tax, why the dramatic increase? >>guest: well, go back to the evil reagan time when the itch are getting richer, 85 percent of all americans filed an income tax return where they paid some money, and only 15 percent paid no money or were dependent open someone else. and it is an astonishing change. one thing to look at is the economic downturn from 2008. we have never had numbers like this in the modern times. with the food stamp president who has done actively making it easier for people to get on food stamps and get on medicaid and we opened up poverty program to the middle class and the net result is you have more people taking from the system and fewer people giving. the notion of an america where the minority pay all the bills,
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and majority pay nothing, is that even america the bay we understand it? it seems like a fundamental change. >>alisyn: that is a shocking newspaper: 50 percent of americans not paying federal income tax. looking at who the 50 percent are, what their demographic is and the tax policy center did that for us, and they say 44 percent of them are elderly, on a fixed income, usually social security. and 30 percent of the low income working poor, a couple with two kids making less than $26,000. and, 26 percent are mostly high income people who take those charitable deductions and north deductions and tax kits -- credits, so who should pay more of those groups? >>guest: i do not advocate we take money randomly but the proposal miss that people pay
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nothing into the system, you say the elderly, they are the elderly poor and elderly affluent, the wealthiest age group in america are those 60 and older. >>alisyn: should they pay more? 44 percent of the elderly are not paying, which of this group that isn't paying should be coughing up more money? >>guest: first of all, i don't want anyone to pay more to the wait will federal government for more bailouts and ridiculous government programs. but there is a point where if you have 45 people of the people paying all the bills the other 55 percent have no incentive to do anything about government spending because they pay nothing. how can you have $1.2 trillion deficit four years in a row? because the number of people who get the money is as big as those who pay the money. i want more people and i would love the idea of lower tax breaks for everyone across the board but more people paying in
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like in 1984 when 85 percent of the people paid in. win win will your former governor win or lose in michigan? >>guest: he will win in michigan and arizona and the republican primary will be over. it will be mitt. the trees are the right height when mitt is around. >>dave: michael graham, thank you. >>alisyn: he says you cannot drill your way to lower gas prices. is algae the answer?
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when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we were determined to see it through. here's an update on the progress. we're paying for all spill related clean-up costs. bp findings supports independent scientists studying the gulf's environment. thousas of environmental samples have been tested and all beaches and waters are open. anthe tourists are back. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp.
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>>alisyn: stretching? >> stretching, getting ready for the big race. it is "drivers start your engine." lady and gentlemen. >>clayton: daytona 500, the great american race and now a brand new car that will interest racing fans. >>alisyn: and anna is live in daytona with pore. >>reporter: thank you for being politically correct, dave, awesome.
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this is the super of racing. $19 million is up for grabs so a lot is at stake, and we are joined by a couple of very power ful people. are you the star or is he is the star? >> he is the star. and the driver. >> jamie is number 16 car driver. >> now, he did not say that before the tv camera was here. >>reporter: he said the opposite. and give us specs on the fusion. >>guest: this is the all new stunningly beautiful ford fusion you can see it is aerodynamic, sleek, and fun to drive. >>reporter: you are bringing brand identity back to the track. >>guest: you can see what we mean. a car looks identical to the
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production car that is called the fusion. it is sleek and fun to drive and we have it here in nascar. >>reporter: you have driven it. how does it handle? >> very good. it just looks fast. i love the look. this is more like the old nascar before we got the new car but it will have all the same safety stuff. so, the roofs pull in the windshields go way back, it will be a lot of fun. >>reporter: and now, talking about the race with your teammate. what is the plan? >>guest: the plan is letting a lot of keeping the track position. i won here in july. and i would like to have a 500 when. >>reporter: that would be
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awesome. and danica is the big story line, people criticize her for so many accolades and does not have the record to back it up, but what does it mean? >>guest: a lot, she is in need of a good solid race and same for the cup sears, a good race. >>alisyn: looks fun, anna. >>dave: the i.r.s. has $1 billion to hand out. stay tuned. my name is robin.
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i'm a wife, i'm a mom... and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantiis proven to help people quit smoking. it reduthe urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking orood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reactioto it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart orlood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons.
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they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006.
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mammal lane, mammal
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>>alisyn: good morning, everyone, we have a fox news alert, because two americans have been killed in a deadly shooting in afghanistan. this as protests continue over the burning of the korans but after a round of apologies from the united states should president obama be demanding one over the deaths of american soldiers there? >>dave: the fight on for the state of michigan. three days before the crucial primary and the latest poll results show mitt romney gaining new momentum, but will a campaign stumble cost him the win against the republican rivals? we will have the latest details from michigan. >> it is time to be patriotic,
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time to jump in, time to be part of the deal. >>clayton: and geithner takes it a step further, and "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. >>dave: good saturday morning, everyone, we are getting you fired up. the inside of a new car from ford like at daytona 500 for the super bowl of nascar which is tomorrow. live updates all morning, and on the right. >>guest: bass pro shop for the spring fishing classic today through march 11th. there are seminars so bring the kids out and learn how to catch and release. >>alisyn: dave and i will be fishing.
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you cannot actually see me but i am here. >>dave: don't wear grown clothes in front of the green screen. >>clayton: and now politics, all eyes on michigan and arizona, specifically, michigan for romney next week, and good news. a new rasmussen poll, a fresh poll, and this comes after the big debate in arizona on thursday night. >>alisyn: he has 40 percent of vote in michigan to the 34 percent and ron paul has ten percent and newt gingrich get as boost after a debate only has 9 percent and just on monday, three days prior to the debate, rick santorum was leading with 38 percent and romney had 36 percent.
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>>dave: the quirks of michigan you could win more delegates by coming in, in second place because of a strange situation. we will not before you to death but romney just need as win. he spoke on friday about the economic plan. he did it as a massive empty for field football stadium. which the optics did not hit it out of the park and neither did some of the things he said. >> i love this country. i should love this state. this feels good. being back in michigan. the trees are the right height. the streets are right. i like the fact that most of the cars i see are detroit-made automobiles. i drive a mustang and a chevrolet pickup and my wife drives a couple of cadillacs, actually, and i used to have a dodge truck so i had all three coughed.
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>>clayton: and again, the optics, bizarre afternoon because you are in a giant football stadium compacted down to one section of the field and they released the details so when the reporters showed up they knew the details of the speech and what did the reporters do? they took pictures pictures andd the empty field. >>alisyn: as though there should be shame in his success as far as financially. the audience was not upset to hear that his wife could have two cars. at this point it looks as if romney is winning in michigan and even newt gingrich believes that will happen. >> the two frontrunners in michigan, romney will come first in michigan and arizona and
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santorum in second. santorum is discovering when romney goes negative and he buys enough advertising she formidable, and, so, this will probably be a decent day for romney. >>clayton: and newt gingrich mocking president obama yesterday for part of his discussion yesterday about investment in green technology and biofuels, all the talk obviously about the gallon of gas average price at $3.67 a gallon. yesterday the president touted algae. >> we make new investments in the development of gasoline and jet fuel made from a plant-like substance. algae. you got a bunch of algae out here, right? if we can figure out how to make energy from that, we, be doing
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all right. believe it or not we could replace up to 17 percent of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel we can grow right here in the united states. >>dave: and the gas is highest ever at this time of year and a view said this has cause the chevrolet to develop the ford "mold." >>alisyn: a lost marketing they can do on this. or drink am joe. are you drinking algae? it is motoring your engine. >>clayton: all morning long. the president could be on to something. this is algae in here. can you believe that?
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>> do you have catchy headlines for the algae initiative? send them to "fox & friends" at and on twitter. >>alisyn: now, fox news has learned that two u.s. advisors have been killed in afghanistan. the shooting happened in kabul. they were there on a training mission. the cause of the shooting is unclear. and this attack comes as thousands take to the streets after the korans were burned at a u.s. military base in afghanistan. at least 28 people have been killed and two u.s. soldiers were among those killed. and first cocaine and now heroin found in the hotel room where a producer died this week. police say this lends to the theory that he was a drug mule not the victim of a random poisoning like others have suggested.
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and a large amount of cocaine was found in his stomach. his assistant was also found in that room passed out, cold, and he is recovering at the hospital burr reportedly not talking about what happened and police say they will keep her in the country until they decide whether to press charges. the i.r.s. sending out a last call for people who did not file their 2008 tax returns, saying they still have $1 billion in unclaimed refunds and the cash is likely left over from people who forgot to file ... or thought they would not be entitled to a refund. if that is you the deadline is april 17. i think they will just arrest you for not filing your 2008 returns. >>dave: you are always a step ahead. >>clayton: and now rick and
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the forecast. rick: did you think it was spring like this week? >>dave: i was ice skating 60 degrees at rock center. rick: hopefully not on the pond. the difference of 24 hours, it is 32 degrees colder in atlanta from yesterday at this time. and a lot colder air moving in and warming up across the west, and we had big storms yesterday with tornadoes in georgia and south carolina and the front has rain showers across florida and stretched back into texas and heavy snow, some of the batches of snow coming off the lakes are causing near zero visibility so be careful. across the west there is a storm putting into the pacific northwest today, the snow will be on the increase, and we have all kinds of winter storm
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warnings and this afternoon it moves across the areas of the northern plains and tomorrow afternoon, around 5" to 8" of snow in north dakota and minnesota. winter is still here. >>clayton: and does it mean if you are good american if you pay more in taxes than you should? i am not sure what that means. here is vice president biden back in 2008. >> time to be patriotic and time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help america get out of the rut. >>alisyn: he was saying time to pay more taxes for the wealthiest, that is patriotic and geithner has said something that has echoes of that, not saying it is patriotic but "for
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the privilege of being an american." >> if you don't try to generate more revenue or tax reform and doesn't ask the most important to bear a larger burden for the privilege of being america, the way to achieve fiscal sustainable is deep cuts for middle class seniors or unacceptably deep cuts in national security. >>dave: pay more for the bring of being an american. look at the numbers and you decide. are the wealthy paying their fair share? right now, 49.5 percent of american taxpayers today do not pay a lick of federal income tax, a 15 percent jump from a decade. this is not to say the poor should pay more but how do you ask the wealthy to pay more with that number. >>alisyn: a tough debate our country has been embroiled in for a year.
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obviously sit a privilege to be an american and it is worth paying for. >>dave: to what end? >>alisyn: what is the number? everyone is willing, i think, to pay something, to be an american but what is that number when, obviously, the wealthy are shouldering the lions share of the income tax. it continues. you heard michael graham state best thing is to revise the tax code. >>clayton: and michele bachmann talked about this on the campaign trail, and you recall many, many americans do not pay any income taxes. let us know what you think of this at "fox & friends" and continuing in afghanistan, protests are continues over the burning of the koran. and president obama apologizing for it. but should he? we report.
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[ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition?
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♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do
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gettsometimes what you needpoint a is extra working capital.
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or leasing options. and as one of the top-ranked small business lenders, regions can make the journey easy. see? so let's talk. >>dave: a news alarm. fox news has confirmed that two u.s. advisors have been killed in afghanistan, the shooting happened at the interior ministry in kabul. they were there on a training mission. this is after the burning of korans at a u.s. military base. two dozen people including two u.s. soldiers have been killed in the unrest. yesterday, the white house stressed remorse.
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>> secretary panetta and president obama have in different forms expressed their apology on behalf of the american people and the american military to the afghan people to articulate that the united states military and the american people have enduring respect for the religious views or practices of the afghan people. definite dave considering the fact that americans have been killed in retaliation, should president obama be asking for an apology rather than giving one? joining us is a resident scholar at the american enterprise institute the should the president have apologiesed considering the fact that two americans were killed to retaliation and at least another this morning? >>guest: well, the president should have apologized, this was not like bowing down to the saudi king, but the president did not go far enough. more than 70 percent of the civilian casualties in
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afghanistan are called by the taliban which have bummed mosques in which korans have been burned, and so the president should have said, this is the real problem in afghanistan and gone on the offense. >> we should point out this was a mistake and we were not intending to bun the korans and they supposed to be disposed of in another way and it is thought that in the korans were messages from extremists passing them to others. charles krauthammer last night said this about the apology. >>guest: this is a world where no one asked the group of the 56 islamic countries to issue an apology when christians are attacked and churches are burned in egypt or, pa stand. and have we heard a word from any leader about the radicals in
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nigeria who are burning women and children in churches. >>guest: charles is right but two wrongs don't make a right. the president was right to apologize. we look at kabul, for example, the capital of afghanistan, a city of five million people, the protesters have only managed to have 1,000 people come out on the street. that is small by any standards, so despite the radicals being fanned up by iran and pakistan and the taliban most afghans have put this behind him and want to concentrate on something else. >>dave: but we still see this violence and nato official, an american killed. where does it get us as a country? where does it impetus to -- get us to apologize to karzai? >>guest: president obama needs to hold his feet to the fire. people for get in 1995 when the
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clinton administration wanted to pass messages to the taliban they represented they turned was karzai, so we need to say karzai you have to stop fanning the flames but we cannot simply say it was because of the koran incident that the two american soldiers or, perhaps, the two advisors in the men city of interior of killed because the taliban have been trying to infiltrate the afghanistan security forces and the much greater problem we face is a timeline which has convinced the afghans we don't have staying power. afghans have never lost a war, they defect to the winning side. >>dave: thank you, do you think the united states should apologize? more news ahead. it's time to get going.
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to have the energy to turn a "to do" list into a memory. to put more giddy-up in our get-along. to keep stepping up even in overtime. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's... ... and mix a little more hop in our hip hop. thanks to the energizing support and cushioning of dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, your feet will feel so good... ... you'll want to get up and go.
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>>clayton: several former executives at fannie mae and freddie mac under investigation for fraud are having their legal fees paid for by you. that's right. taxpayers being forced to foot the bill for the mortgage giants. and a fellow at stanford hoover institute and author of "throw them all out." nice to see you, peter. >>guest: great to be on with you. >>clayton: how did this happen? >>guest: it is the gift that keeping giving as far as washington insiders, they have agreements and contracts that give them bonuses whether fannie
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mae and freddie mac are doing well and they are facing charges for accounting fraud, security fraud, they are having their legal bills paid and the estimate is the tab so far is approximately $200 million. so far. just in legal bills alone and it will probably get larger. >>clayton: this is the total cost to taxpayers since 2008, $183 billion from the federal housing finance agency, so, to be dealer, the same executive whose got us into this mess are now being defended, in court, using lawyers and taxpayers dollars, to defend themselves there they get us into this mess, am i following that logic correctly? >>guest: that is right. and think of this, these executives gottens of millions in bonuses when they were leading the entities, when they were charged with security frauds and accounting regulators
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and they get the bonuses. when they left they get golden parachutes and now they are facing legal jeopardy for the horrendous errors in judgment, probably criminal action if some action they are agained by the best pleasures and they do not have to pick up the tab this shows the problem with something like the government-backed entities such as fannie mae and freddie mac there is in accountability because the people who are making the decisions did not have any skin in the game and they can use taxpayer money and it is to their benefit. it is a lesson to learn in the future when we look at these entities and other ideas that people in washington could have about this arrangement. >>clayton: and the former head, franklin rain empties, he
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was paid millions in stock options and he walked away with a huge wallet but the taxpayers are having to pay for his legal defense. although he has legal dollars fraudulently, mindboggling. >>guest: that is right. it is like having a credit card you can use, get the boast legal talent, fight for as long as you want, and that is not an option that most business executives or private businessmen in the country have. they don't have the federal government picking up the tab. it is outrageous and the wealth that these executives obtained partly came during this period up until, say, 2004, when fannie mae and freddie mac were fund to be erratically overstating their earning because of accounting irregularities. it is ridiculous. they continue to engage if this behavior and continue to get paid to do so. >>clayton: you summed it up
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well, "absolutely ridiculous." thank you, peter, for breaking this down. still ahead, jeb bush saying he used to be a conservative and now saying negativity in the g.o.p. needs to go. [ male announcer ] this is lawn ranger -- eden prairie, minnesota. in here, the landscaping business grows with snow.
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to keep big winter job on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can't live under a dome in minnesota, that's why there's guys like me. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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>>dave: the most prestigious award show in tinsel town. who will take the oscar? >>alisyn: and now a look at the performances creating quite the buzz. >>guest: so great to see you guys, again, happy to be back on "fox & friends" and the cool thing living in los angeles i have been able to cover all the award shows leading up to the
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oscars. including the critics show and they are all indicators of who will take home the oscar. best picture, the artist is a shoo-in federal winning best picture, winning all major awards, and it has the best odds if las vegas, and there are licks involved in this, and a lot people are hoping that a silent film will win because it has not happened sin the 1920's and the director is a -- the best director has been named correctly by those in the know. and a freshman has been winning all awards to this point and the race i am interested in is best actress, between "the help," and
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meryl streep "from iran lady." the problem with meryl streep situation is the movie "iran lady," was not well received but the academy loves portrayals of people in history, and i loved the actress in "the help." and supporting actress, and actor, from "the beginners," and from "the help," they swept the awards and they have good chance of taking home an oscar, and it goes down at the 84th annual academy award and billy crystal is back for the 9th time hosting after an 8 year break, and i will be on red carpet tomorrow with a wrap up record on monday so i will see you then the hope everything is going well in new york. >>alisyn: we miss you and look forward to the fashion reports.
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and billy crystal. and the fashion "don'ts," they are fun. and now, and a deadly attack outside the presidential palace in yemen, 26 people were reportedly killed when a homicide bomber detonated a car bomb outside the palace gate and several other attackers opened fire on a lead guard. the timing is no convince den at the same exact tomorrow the yemen brand new president was being sworn in, not capital city. the new leader known to be a tough office point against al qaeda and other extremists. and now a maryland loan officer saying he was fired after a giant mix-up at a night club. the 27-year-old partying with his friends and a man was shot to death nearby and king ran for
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cover and accident am dropped his i.d., and the accident landed him on a list of possible murder suspects. he has been cleared but the employer will not give him his job back. >> i am furious. furious. it is hard to get a job. and to lose it over something i had nothing to do with, it is worse. >>alisyn: he is considering legal action against the employer and the police. >> a trip to las vegas that a marine will never forget. he decided to kill some time at the casino during a week-long military training session and he said he stuck $100 bill into the slot machine filling he would lose it all quickly but that want the case. >> i hit the bonus rounds, you spin a wheel and it stopped on the dollar sign and i looked at my friend, and i said, what does
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that mean and he said my god, you won. >> he won $2.8 million. and he gets credit, he credits karma, days before he hit the jackpot he was accepted as a bone marrow donor. gosh, that's a great story. >> that's a jackpot. >>dave: and now over to rick. rick: a really nice day across northeast because of the weather maps but not the case in the interior sections, and the snow is from 1" to 2" an hour. and from maine, auburn, maine, she had good snow the last 24 hours. thank you for that picture. 34 degrees this morning as you
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wake up and you will get up to 38 and dropping to around nine degrees tonight. and now a look at the forecast across the northeast, snow across the interior section but it will be clear across the coast and temperatures will be fine right around where they should be to the southeast we are talking about temperatures much cooler than yesterday, in the 50's and 60's but we will see plenty of sunshine. >>dave: a big weekend in racing, start of the nascar season, the nation-wide series kicking off, today, and today. >>clayton: anna is in daytona beach, florida. anna? >>reporter: we have 200,000 people that will pack into this place. i am told by my producer last year 37 million tuned in. getting kicked off today and joined by the number 31 car
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driver, justin, good morning. thank you for being part of "fox & friends." what is it that you love about day tomorrow, your 7th start and in 2009 you were "rookie of the year." >>guest: daytona is historic place, a lot of history here and a lost allured. it has eluded me so hopefully we can do it. this is our super bowl. hopefully we can take home the victory and that sets up a good start to the season and hopefully you have a go end of the year. this race is really important, and we work all winter long and this is the race that everyone brings their best equipment to so it is similar, you go to the
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super bowl, and you do your best time, and that is what we do. >>reporter: you are only 25, and you have a young, cute, face, doesn't he? so, the streak of 20 something winning could continue. >>guest: we had a good practice and we start 12th so i hope we can do that. >>reporter: are you nervous? >>guest: i will assume -- my crew team is smart, so i assume heel not let you do anything that will get you in troubling if you are helping. report don't blame me if anything goes wrong but i can feel it. i will be your good luck charm.
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>>guest: it is never the driver's spot, so it is always your fault when you are in the pit. >>clayton: if something goes wrong, you saw it here. >>alisyn: thank you, anna. thank you. >>dave: more news ahead. ok, guys-- what's next ? chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink !
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with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder whaother questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choo prego. with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens,
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>>alisyn: the g.o.p. race is a nasty fight for delegates and a prominent republican is sending a warning to the candidates, keep the rhetoric down. >>clayton: jeb bush said i was a conservative and i watched the debate and i don't think i have changed but it is troubling when people appeal to people's fear and emotion rather than getting temperature to look at a broader perspective. does he have a point? a former deputy assistant to george bush joins us from phoenix. brad, to summarize jeb, he is saying the candidates are playing to people's fears. is that a problem? or does that help get them elected? >>guest: well, he has a point. campaigns would be wise to heed the advice. we have to be selected by the party of you are elected so the candidates have to put their best food further and tell the
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difference between what they would do to the country and those seeking the nomination. and the other problem is super pac's who act in the benefit of campaigns but not at the direction of campaigns, so, we also know that negative campaigns do work, and, we have seen that in the polls where those who have the fortunate ability to advertise and show the differences between what they would do and what the opponent would do is very effect i. but it says the an dates are not expressing enough optimism? do you agree? the leader has to tell the american people not only can i get us out of this rut but we will be better for it, and the more optimistic a candidate is
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the more hopeful a candidate is better the campaign will be especially in bad economic times. the american people know how bad it is. >>clayton: the past few weeks we have heard from republicans who are saying this is starting to remind me not of obama and clinton so much which they went on to win, of course, but reminding republicans of 1976, ford and reagan. who won? cart other? do you agree or disagree? >>guest: i agree, going against the incumbent is tough enough but with americans facing high gas prices and mortgage foreclosure crisis, and bankruptcies, the last thing they want is to have a campaign of negativity. they want to believe that the leader of their country is going to be one that is optimistic and hopeful that better days are ahead and they are the person who will bring them from there
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to prosperity and the better off we would be. >>alisyn: on super tuesday in terms of who wins do you thing they should do away with the negative ads and start being shiny and happy people? >>guest: there is a balance that needs to be struck. negative campaign dozen not necessarily have to be evil, but you need to show the difference between yourself and your opponent. that doesn't mean that negative campaigns have to degenerate into something that is ugly. what it means you have to ball -- balance the negativity. we have not been as positive as we should be in the election process. >>alisyn: coming up, lights out on your own personal property. the war on smokers is going to a new extreme. >> bass pro shops is here to lure us with in the fishing
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products with the spring fishing classic. we are trying to teach alison how to fish!
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>>dave: 60 degrees out east, what better thing to do than go out fishing? and now, where can you get geared up for the spring fishing classic. if you are looking to boy a boat, now is the time and bass
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pro is the place. >>guest: a spring fishing classic and it is an exciting year. this is 35 the year of willing quality boats. you can see we are standing on one. this is a wonderful boat. >>dave: if you boy one now you get a gift card up to $1,000, must the v.i.p. card good for 20 percent off. >>guest: between now and april 1, and if you buy any truck or boat between now and april 1 you can get the gift card up to $1,000 and tonight percent -- and 20 percent off from purchases for two years. no better time to boy than now. >>dave: and a great program you have is the trade in event you can bring in a rod and reel and get yourself a great deal on a new one. >>guest: if you look over here, what we do, if you have a working reel you can get item $100 off on a new reel and we
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have a new program this year, same program on rods, if you have a rod you are not using, come in and we will give you $100 off on a new rod. >>dave: the deal for $90 with a trade in. >>guest: yes, $89.97 for this reel, that weighs only five ounces and it fits your hand great and i have them myself. i love them. >>dave: and any fisherman who has an old rod they are not using, i probably don't have the right shoes but you have some shoes. >>guest: we have a signature series rod and, also, the boating shoes here for under $50, and they are comfortable and survivallish, beautiful shoes. >>dave: and, also, the automatic inflatable dress, we are sporting that right now. >>guest: it is special because it is so light and comfortable and easy to wear and you have freedom of movement and cool in the summer, you can put a lost
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clothes under it in the winter and if you fall out of the boat it inflates automatically. or, or, it inflates manually. deaf dave can you get out of what? >>guest: i'll get out. >>dave: and a great thing with this sale if you can be entertained you can spend a couple of hours in the store. >>guest: we have seminars for the kids and fishing seminars, all free, and craft society up, and indoor catch and release fish ponds for the kids and the whole family can have a lot of fun at spring fishing classic. >>dave: we will put that to the test later in the program. more on the spring fishing classic ahead. thank yous guys. >>alisyn: that sounds fund, and i will be getting into waders and cold water.
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>> more news ahead. at regions, we're committed to helping small businesses
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find new ways to optimize their cash flow. so, stop in and ask for a regions cashcor analysis and see how easy it is to get your cash flow (whistles) heading in the right direction. let's talk. >> good morning, everyone, it's saturday, february 25th,
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i'm alisyn camerota. we start with a fox news alert. two americans have been killed in a deadly shooting in afghanistan, more backlash over the burning of the korans, and more deaths and protests and we will have a full report moments away. >> dave: don't worry about voting, the election, the white house doubling down on president obama's guarantee he'll have five more years to fix the country. what do you think? >> horror we go agaere we go ag one town against smoking even outside, go outside. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> "fox & friends" and thanks
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for tuning in, we've got the daytona 500 on the left and down there showing us the pre-race preparations and then on the right, we have our bass proficienting spectacular and dave and i are going to be donning waders, and not the kind that i usually like that serve champagne, i'm talking about the ones in cold water. i'm told. >> clayton: in the bass pro fishing classic, and tle the the lures into the the bucket. >> dave: the only angler on the couch is clayton morris, and in cales you can't see h her-- >> i don't want to scare the fish. >> dave: she wore "fox & friends" colors today. >> alisyn: i think you can only see teeth right now, but i'm going to soldier through this because i have your headlines and your important news, breaking news for you, in fact, the fox news alert.
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we've learned at that two u.s. advisors have been can killed in afghanistan. they were shot during a training mission, we're told, at the interior ministry in kabul. and we're trying to learn what caused this altercation and who the shooter was. an n.a.t.o. spokesman denied the shooter was a werner. it comes as thousands of afghan protests after korans were burned accidentally there. this is the fifth straight day of protests. two u.s. soldiers are among more than two dozen people killed during these protests. while you were sleeping, a health scare for nelson mandela. the 93-year-old was hospitalized overnight in south africa with a stomach ailment. and issued a statement saying that abdella had longstanding problems. and stating it it needed proper medical attention now. the icon and former president was hospitalized for acute respiratory infection. he was seen in 2010 during the
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the closing ceremonies of the world cup. >> if you need to fill up. be prepared for pain at the pump. while were you sleeping, gas prices rose another three cents to an average of 3.67. that's a 14 cent hike in just one week. and also, a whopping 30 cents higher than last month. in california skyrocketed 25 cents to 4.25. diesel is also now more than 4 bucks a gallon. many mrns are outrage at the ongoing surge and texas senator kay bailey hutchinson faults the obama administration, by opposing new supplies of gas and president obama says there's no magic bullet to fix gas prices. do you remember this moment. >> if you're 65 years old eligible for medicare you should have to pay nearly 6400 more than you would today. that was vice-president joe biden caught sleeping or perhaps in deep thought during one of president obama's speeches last year. what goes around comes around. take a look what happened when
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biden took the light at an event in north carolina. you can see the guy right over the vice-president's shoulder, struggling to stay awake, come on, come on, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle. he no. it's all-- oh, there we go. and he's back. so, anyway, this has been a big hit on the internet. >> dave: and you often have to wake up clayton throughout the program. and we're very in touch with what joe biden is going through. >> i think he's deep in thought and maybe bad contact lenses, you know. >> dave: you really want to listen, visualize the speech, close your eyes. that's what we do during that, during weather to really visualize. >> alisyn: yeah. >> dave: the weather throughout the country, rick. >> clayton: there's a storm front, i'd like to know this way. >> sit there and take it all in and see if you can repeat it all. (laughter) >> got going to happen. >> i guess not. here is your temps as you're
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waking up, it's cold across the northern plains and down to the south. 38 in dallas, yesterday, you were into the 70's and 80's, across areas of texas and that's changed. cold front moved through and we still have rain across parts of south texas, but a lot of snow falling across the area and the wind moves across the lake and the lake effect snow bands are very, very heavy and you can drive along and hit one of those, be very careful as you're driving there. new storm into the pacific northwest, we have all kinds of winter storm warnings, into idaho, montana and by this afternoon, that moves into the northern plains, we're talking about very heavy snow across parts of the da total kas, as well, north dakota and minnesota and the temps looking like this, cooler than yesterday, but overall, not that bad. all right, guys, repeat? >> the snow on the northern plains, i heard not that bad. >> alisyn: not that bad. >> dave: thank you, rick. do we like overconfidence in our elected officials? newt gingrich took heat by
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saying he's going to be the nominee. of course, it may not turn out that way, but the president also issuing a very similar, confident, some say overconfident statement this week. >> alisyn: yeah, basically he said to univision radio that he, look, he hasn't fixed the immigration problem after all he's got another five years in office. that of course ignores the fact that there is a heated presidential race going on right now, but tell us how you interpret his statement. >> my presidency is not over, i've got another five years coming up, we're going to get this done. >> clayton: an election in there and of course you need to get reelected to have more presidency to come back to. >> alisyn: usually. >> clayton: deep press secretary josh earnest taking the podium, talking about this, when asked about these very same thing. take a listen to what he had to say. >> the president is confident that when we get to a vigorous
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debate with his republican opponent whose vision is best for the future of this country, about which person will be president over the course of four years, and put in the kind of economic policies that will ensure middle class families get a fair shot and a fair shake and playing by the rules. and the president's vision achieving an economy and a country, to fulfill those values that he's going to win. >> as for the statements he made. immigration is one of the things he said was his first priority after getting into office. and he was going to fix the immigration problem. and hispanics in this country are reminding him of that over and over again and you said were you working about it first and a second term? >> when you're running for president you often express great optimism, obviously, and confidence and mitt romney, in detroit yesterday, said that he's actually the person who has that. >> and i'm not promising that every day is going to be easy or there won't be sacrifice
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and hard work, but i'm promising that every day we'll be on a track to get things better and better. i not only think i have the best chance, i have the only chance. new polls out of michigan may suggest they support that claim and suggesting on thursday night. the new rasmussen poll out this morning, 40% of registered primary voters there likely, g.o.p. primary voters, said they were going to go for mitt romney in michigan, and a little bit of a bump and rick santorum was up in michigan earlier in the week and he's fallen. begin grin at 9%, a ron paul 10%. >> alisyn: in daytona, the last time you'll be able to smoke cigarettes in the stands. it will be summer, you can go to the other designated areas. >> clayton: like any other games, you go to the designated. >> alisyn: you've been able to smoke in the stand and may not sit well and said that smoking
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at daytona 500 are like peanut butter and jelly. >> dave: start your engines, just don't light up your cigarettes. and meanwhile, smoke em if you've got em. but in california don't smoke if you're near a building, near a park, near a school or in one town. even in your own yard, clayton. >> clayton: the rockland city council respond to go one home owner, one home owner complained of smoke coming from their neighbor's back yard, causing health problems for her kids, she says. so she then said look, i went to the family first, i asked them to stop smoking. can you imagine that, knock on the door, by the way i want to ask you, would you just stop smoking. >> dave: in your yard. >> clayton: in your yard, your smoking is wafting over to the kids area and he she didn't stop smoking and she goes to the city council and they've now proposed they will not allow you to smoke in your own back yard anymore in your own town. >> alisyn: here is what the residents had to say about it.
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but on your own property, that's unacceptable. >> so what about people who have children in their home and they don't want to smoke in their home. >> dave: to me that's the important point. if you have children and don't want to smoke in a confined area around them, what are you to do? >> drive to the park. >> dave: no, you can't smoke in the park. >> clayton: drive to a federal building, no, you can't smoke there. >> dave: go to your car, go sit in your car, i don't know. >> clayton: drive to daytona and go to the designated smoking area at the daytona 500. >> alisyn: there you go, that's the answer. let us know what you think about it. and our floor director just said butt out. let us know what your a thinking, if you have a pun. >> dave: there is ate e-mail address this weekend on twitter. >> clayton: and remember the tension on the tarmac. arizona governor jan brewer, now, planning to head to the white house this week for another meeting with the president. how will there one go? governor brewer is next. >> dave: should be cozy. then, shoppers say, bye-bye to
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>> arizona governor jan brewer is in washington this week and headed to the white house on monday. we all remember this famous finger pointing incident when the two last had a close encounter on the tarmac during the president's visit to arizona, he so what can we expect this time? joining us now is arizona governor and author of scorpions for breakfast, jan brewer, good morning, governor. >> good morning, alisyn. >> you're in washington for the national governor's association conference where you get together and talk about all of your gubernatorial things and going to the white house on monday.
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do you expect a face-to-face with the the president? >> i don't think we'll have a one-on-one conversation, but a group of all the governor are invited to the white house and we talk about the issues, probably, what he wants to talk about more than what we want to talk about. >> alisyn: probably that's true. but if you find yourself face-to-face with the president again, what would you say to him this time? >> well, i would like to tell him about our issues that we're facing in arizona and certainly explain to him what we've done in arizona in regards to turning the economy around. you know, arizona's had a great comeback and what i tried to initiate when i was up in the tarmac with me. but he wasn't too interested in all of that. >> well, speaking of all of these things that you've initiated in arizona, senator chuck schumer has invited you to appear in front of this senate immigration hearing that he's going to be having and he wants to talk to you about the immigration law in arizona. and you have said that you're
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not interested in appearing. why not? >> well, i think he's invited me to the party a little late. don't you think? i mean, we're going to hear in the supreme court in april, i mean, i don't know the purpose of why he wants me to come and testify. i frankly believe it he wanted me there, and genuine, he would have invited me long before now, before the supreme court would have, or had accepted the case. >> alisyn: here is what he says. i just want your response it. governor brewer long side that border security is one of the nation's most pressing issues, it's odd she's unwilling to come to congress to defend her views, and makes you wonder whether there's genuine interest in finding real solution toss our broken immigration situation. and we hope the governor will reconsider. what's your response? >> i think he's posturing, of course. it's ridiculous, if you asked me the day before have the bill heard in the supreme court? for what? there's nothing they can do,
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the supreme court will be the the ultimate decision and he obviously knows what the issue is. why didn't all of these years earlier, why didn't the congress step up and do something? why didn't they help arizona and the border states in america? and that's the last minute now they want all of this show and tell stuff? you know, i think basically it's more of a publicity stunt and self-serving. >> alisyn: the g.o.p. candidates say they believe what you've done in arizona is a model with a you've done to approach this. >> and you've met with newt gingrich, romney, and which do you think has the best immigration policy? >> i think they're all basically, they have-- they understand the issue. they have solution, i think, and we'd be happy if any of their solutions would be activated, if you will, in arizona. the bottom line, that we need a president, we need someone
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that's going to listen to the state and that they're going to represent the people that are feeling the brunt of all of this illegal immigration and the drug cartel. we need our borders secured. we need technology, we need national guards. we need whatever it takes on the border. we can secure borders in other countries, and very, very well, and it ridiculous we can't secure our borders. >> do you plan to endorse one of the g.o.p. candidates? >> i do. >> alisyn: who? >> i'm thinking about that, but i'm going to make an endorsement before tuesday. >> alisyn: that's very soon. you must have a leading candidate that you like. >> well, as the general public, i think, everybody says i like this about this candidate and that about that candidate. can we put those two together? but i've got to choose and i'm going to choose and when that happens i'm going to work really, really hard to make sure they have-- >> are you sure you don't feel like announcing before monday.
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>> i'd love to do it, alisyn, i haven't totally made up my mind. >> alisyn: are you going to meet with ron paul. >> my office tried to reach out to congressman paul and i don't know if they've heard from him. i don't think he's in d.c. we'll see, maybe he'll contact me and leave a message. >> alisyn: governor jan brewer thanks for your time this morning, we appreciate it and feel free to come back when you have any sort of announcement that you want to make. it's always good to see you. >> thank you, alisyn. >> alisyn: coming up the irs has more than a billion dollars to give out. could you be one of the many taxpayers waiting for a check? we'll explain how you get it next. and then he's the star of many girls dreams. nfl quarter tim tebow. how did our next guest land a date with him? we'll ask her next. ♪ please be my, be my little baby ♪ ♪ be my darling
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>> welcome back, denver broncos quarterback, tim tebow landing a special date with a ten-year-old girl from colorado, presley collins is battling a genetic disorder and had several operations recently. when the broncos quarterback heard she was his biggest fan he cleared his calendar to give her the surprise of her life. and joining us from my hometown in denver to tell us what it's about, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> presley, we heard a lot about tim tebow on the football field and his exploits, but few people know what he's like as a person, as a date. tell what yous he was like? >> he was extremely nice and
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he took me to take pictures. >> dave: he took you for a special nickelodeon awards ceremony and you even met shaquille o'neal. >> yes. >> dave: we saw a picture of that. what was the coolest part of the night for you? >> just meeting tim tebow. >> dave: i know you said the chocolate fountain he took you to was pretty cool. let me ask dad. anddy, as a father, i'm freaking out about my daughter's first date. and trying to intimidate the first date. but when he's tim tebow. >> you can't argue, i think they're going to be more downhill from here. >> dave: what does it say about tim tebow and his character, he cleared his schedule and wanted to do this for your family and your daughter? >> it left me personally speechless as i sat there and
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watched the entire event happen. and just, genuine individual. i think, is the best way to sum him up. >> dave: yeah, so many athletes write a check, so many athletes do photo opes, not many of them actually take the time to give their time to give their experience. so, presley, tell us about the night and the different people you met and what it was like there? >> well, i met shaquille o'neal, i forget the others. >> dave: i can imagine. there was so much coming at you that night, that you could easily forget that, and tim tebow even tweeted about this, he said my beautiful date to the testify cartoon awards, presley collins and put that on his twitter feed.
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how is presley doing today and anything people can do to help out the cause? >> great question. she is doing fantastic right now. the hardest thing about neural fibro mentosis, not knowing. there's a laundry list of things that could happen and you don't know and if they are, when. for presley, right now, she's pretty much fully recovered from her surgery, six months ago, and which was a full interior posterior spinal fusion and as far as what people can do, i think support the tim tebow foundation and his wish fit team, but also, children's tumor foundation, is very important and we also have presley's facebook page and tells pretty
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much her entire journey through it. >> dave: that's i want to say happy birthday, presley. >> thank you. >> dave: you turned ten on february 21st, what a great gift from the broncos quarterback. >> thank you so much for having us. >> dave: all right, go bron dose. >> yeah. >> dave: up next, so long privacy, shoppers getting ready for stores to know your face the next time you walk through the door. and rev up those engines we're live in daytona beach where they're getting ready for the daytona 500. next. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to "fox & friends," thank you so much for waking up with us on this saturday morning. that's dave briggs, alisyn camerota and i'm clayton morris. and camouflage camerota.
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>> alisyn: and i match the couch and i think it's going to work well when i go out fishing, it will trick the fish. >> dave: we're joined now by decorated marine and student colonel ollie north aboard the u.s.s. halsey. >> alisyn: the colonel is in somalia to teach the locals how to crackdown on piracy. >> and i'm also with some great american sailors. these youngsters are doing a phenomenal job out here the counter piracy task force, combined task force, 151 a made up of u.s. and allied vessels and i'm standing next to a great american sailor to went over the side of this vessel this afternoon and this old marine doesn't like too much. and this is petty officer second class samuel jenson from. >> washington. >> he was over on the little tiny rib, we'll send you footage. tell us why you joined the navy in washington. >> to travel and see the
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world. you certainly see the the world out here. >> did you ever expect to be the side on a tiny rubber boat in this. >> not. but u-'gone over and interdicted pirates before. and anybody have the termerity to engage you and your team. >> no. >> and anybody want to say hi to. >> my mom and dad, hi, mom, dad, nate, brother. how you guys doing? >> and second class petty officer jensen, he and his teammates went over the side in a drill that was every bit as realistic as you'd want to see it. we' we'll show you. thanks for letting him say hi to folks at home. a long way from washington. >> clayton: colonel oliver north, great to see you. and "war stories with oliver nort north", battle lines on the battle field. 3 p.m., don't miss it.
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>> and the life after christian pastor, hanging in the balance this morning? he was sentence today death in iran for refusing to recant his religious beliefs and turn back to islam. political leaders around the world are condemning the conviction, is it enough to set him free? lisa joined us earlier on "fox & friends" with the latest on this. >> i mean, this can go, obviously, in two possible corrections, it could either be that look, we're going to free him. we're benevolent. not as bad as everyone says. or execute him and say this is who we are, flex our muscle and this is a strength against christianity and the west. >> he's 34 years old. he has a wife and two children. a creepy case of life imitating art. some of american's malls are about to look like this scene from minority report. >> john anderson!
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>>. >> okay. see, those advertisements were talking directly to tom cruise jn awes like minority report, malls, stores, bars, looking to install facial recognition cameras that target advertisements to you and track and store your spending habits and this will help them provide customer services businesses say, but many concern it's a violation of privacy. this idea is especially popular among businesses in florida, clayton. and the irs issuing a last call for people who did not file their 2008 tax returns. they say they've got about one billion dollars in unclaimed refund money for you, to find out how to file a late return, this is there may be money for you. and taylor swift making a new jersey teacher--
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i'm sorry, teenager's dream come true. 18-year-old kevin mcguire is battling leukemia. his wish was to go to his senior prom with swift and his date. >> and the guy out there. having a date with taylor swift would be amazing and make me feel like an actual prom date. >> he so, it turns out that mcguire's sister posted the request on facebook, and swift responded to kevin yesterday and now the bad news is she cannot go to his prom with him. i am assure there is he' a scheduling difficulty, but the good news is, she invited him to be her date at the academy of country music awards instead. of course, kevin accepted. and he said it's better than he'd hoped. >> i think so, that's the one in nashville down there. >> alisyn: upgrade from a prom, let's face it. broadway and nashville. >> over rubber chicken and dancing to led zeppelin, i'm
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sorry, that was my prom. >> clayton: well, alisyn, rick is still sore from that prom. >> alisyn: rick, i'll never forget our prom. >> rubber chicken dance. (laughter) >> i've never been to new jersey, but-- >> if you had been we would have been prom dates. >> i'm sure. >> take a look at that, guys. in the northern plains, winter is back and it's very cold. and 1 degrees in bismark international falls and 12 in minneapolis and a little more snow from the afternoon and look forward to the radar picture and wind has moved across great lakes. and across the southeast, what's left of it now. lake effect snow bands there, and that will taper off this evening, but if you're driving off, you could hit one of the bands and visibility could be to nothing very quickly. a look at the forecast today. the snow in the coastal areas,
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fine, boston up to 45, plenty of sunshine along the coast and down to the southeast, another nice day. temperatures certainly cooler than yesterday in the 50's and 60's instead of the 70's and 80's. a big drop in the temps. the northern plains we'll have tonight and overnight. the northern areas of minnesota and see sunshine for most of the day and across the the west. plenty of sunshine to the southwest, a nice day, but into the northwest we'll see rain and some mountain snow. >> alisyn: thanks, rick. ill he' play free bird for you later. >> dave: sounds good, guys. the starting line is set for the drivers of the daytona 500 waiting for the green flags. >> clayton: one driver is making a pit stop to visit our very own anna live in daytona beach. who are you with. >> we've got david with us, i'm sorry, the pace cars are going by, it's noisy and the
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excitement is starting to build for the 54th daytona 500. good morning. >> good morning, it's a little chilly in daytona. >> we picked a place outside of the sun and hopefully the weather doesn't effect your race today the nationwide and daytona 500. i was excited to talk to you, you almost won before that pesky yellow line. >> we were close and worked throughout the race and you know, it taught me a lot. it taught me that 498 miles doesn't mean a whole lot it's all about the last few laps and cooking at the end. >> yes, the last ten, 15 laps are going to be exciting and our ford is fast and got strategy for sunday and exciting race. >> the pack is back, kind of the tag line from the fans and it's exciting and it means sometimes something bad for the drivers. >> when you have a big pack, sometimes that's a perfect recipe for some big wrecks and the cars are going extremely
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fast and when you have 20, 30 cars in one pack and someone makes a mistake, it's kind of like a chain effect. the guy running about 15 eventually gets the bad end of the deal and you'll probably see a lot of sparks flying and sheet metal damage and keeps the fans pumped up and we've got to miss that. >> i was talking to my friend, on the phone and singing your praises and your father was a great race car driver back in the '80s and how you actually kind of went, from football terms, from high school to the nfl, you missed driving stock cars. >> i can't run a lot of short track. i turned 18 the minimum age for nascar competition i started running trucks and nationwide cars and ran the first cup race when i was 19. it was a lot of fun just to get into the big leagues that earlier, but i was forced to mature up and learn a lot really fast. so, very fortunate to be where
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i'm at today. a lot of fun and experience, winning last year's july race at daytona has given our team extra confidence going into the weekend. we've had a great speed week, our car was fast in the bud shootout and maybe we can do this with the nationwide race today and try to go for the 500 tomorrow. >> hey, good luck to you and see you around charlotte, okay? >> okay. >> he's from my hometown, all right, we'll see you. guys, back to you in the studio. >> thanks so much. anna. >> have fun. every day, gas prices keep climbing, higher and higher and higher and don't worry bus in two minutes, we have the five ways you can save cash at the pump. >> plus, fish like a pro. bass pro shop sheer with the secret to success and dave briggs and i are going to try it. get in the water and we're going to catch some breakfast. ♪
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends." gas prices continue to affect all americans, the national average 3.65 a gallon. we now have five ways you can save money the next time you hit the pump and joining the consumer savings effort. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning. >> alisyn:. >> clayton: all right this is important for people pulling up to the pump and things to save some money. use your smart phone, i thought we were supposed to put our cell phones away before we hit the pump. >> before you hit the road. there are apps to help you save. gas buddy shows you the different prices per gallon in your proximity and then there's also cheap gas, which actually navigates you to the least expensive gas station on your route. and sometimes those gas stations right off the freeway may be more expensive, but one
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that's a mile away, that you would otherwise not know about. >> yeah, in your neighborhood you end up going to the one you're used to, but paying attention to someplace different. >> exactly. >> another thing you say, travel with cash, that's a thing i never do. i need to start doing that to save money? >> and i don't do that either. so i have to listen to my own tip. but the big brands, they advertise the price per gallon for cash paying customers and when you use your credit card, paying 10 cents per gallon more, when you go, remember to go to the atm before you hit the road especially for long road trips to save extra on that gas. >> really interesting. and number three on your list, fuel up at the warehouse, one of the in town warehouses like the costco or sam's clubs. >> yes, membership warehouses, they sell cheaper fuel, so if you fuel up there, you can save. and you might even be able to get a double discount using a membership rewards card.
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costco true earnings, from american express, for example, offers you 3% cash back on gas purchases up to $3,000 for the year. so use that on the cheaper fuel at warehouse clubs to earn double savings. and with that same note, or point, use gas credit cards that offer gas rewards. choice freedom offers 5% cash back for gas purchases, so, find out what your credit card offers and enroll into a program if they have those gas rewards. >> so you get the 5% back, but is that better than the money you wouldn't save by using the cash? i'm following along here. >> yeah, yeah, no, i mean, the cash will save you a little bit more, but if you're not someone who has cash, use that credit card that has the rewards. great program. >> and use the discount gas discount card. what do you mean by those? >> a lot of people don't know this, but at sites like gift card you can find discount gift cards and often times find
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discount gas gift cards, save up to 8% or more on popular brands like shell, eon and so on. if there are none available at gift card granny sign up for alert and they'll e-mail you and one is available and first to jump and purchase the gas discount gift card. >> some grocery stores offer discount programs, separate from b j's, costco and sam's club? >> popular brands kroger, ralph's, shop and start. and earn points when you're grocery shopping and use the loyalty card to save up to ten cents a gallon or more and look at the extra savings you have at the pump. >> wonderful tips. thanks andrea. >> if you missed any of the tips go to and
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we'll have the segment up on the website later, a good reminder in all of you, we have all of our savings there up later in the day. up next, we're headed to the pond. bass pro shops is here to lure us in with the great fishing products. >> yes. >> that's alisyn out there in waders. ♪ goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties ha sixty calories oless per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce.
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♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do
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>> let's go fishing everybody, i 'm here to catch breakfast for clayton and dave. >> come out to the the fishing classic and stock up what you need for the upcoming spring fishing season and great events for the kids and indoor catch and release fishing ponds and prize give aways and great deals on the hottest new products. >> alisyn: okay, let's talk about this rod here. this can do lots of tricks, i can cast. >> you bet. you can get that line swinging back and forth. there you go and right back in. there you go. >> alisyn: okay. >> bring it in and start over again. she's a quick learner. no, get your finger on the line, flip the bail over and there you go. almost in the bucket. >> alisyn: all right. tell he me about this? >> and this is bass pro shop spinning rod and reel combo and this is on sale for 39.97.
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great rig for people starting out fishing. >> alisyn: i like it already. what else. >> intruder, fly reel under $20 and a berkley electric fishing knife, a great knife for filleting your fish with and also extreme boating bag. >> alisyn: what's in an extreme boating bag. >> i go in in there you want. and keeps it dry and safe in the boat. 12.97. over half off the retail price and then-- >> i'm modeling. >> look at the waders. >> alisyn: does it get more glamorous than this? look at this. >> white river waders, on sale for 99-97. come over and check out our website, bass for all the details. >> alisyn: and here is what i love about this, not only is it form fitting, but it also is keeping my feet extremely dry for real and they're warm. >> warm and dry.
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>> alisyn: and that's nice. you have something coming up march 9th through the 11th. >> that's the next generation weekend. the weekend we're setting up for having everything for kids. i tell you what, we've got indoor catch and release fishing ponds and free seminars for those kids and helping them learn about the outdoors and about fishing and it's all for free, and it's also, check out the website again, because, that gives you all the details on it. >> bass pro is so great and use it all the time at christmas and for kids it's a wonderland. look at boats and go fishing, it's like-- >> yes, you know it's not just for kids, moms and guys, you know, the guys love bass pro shop and the girls like it, too, ladies it's for everybody. we especially love the stuff for the kids. the next generation of anglers, coming on and we want to help them get started. >> that sounds great. ladies, does it get any more glamorous, okay? you, too, can be outfitted for me. and more, after the show show,
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dave and i are going to go fishing. >> we'll be here. >> alisyn: more "fox & friends" in just two minutes. ♪ ok, guys-- what's next ? chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006.
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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check out the bass pro shops spring fishing classic and save up to an extra $100 on a new reel when you trade one in. plus get free gift card worth up to $1000 with new tracker and nitro boat packages. bass pro shops. your adventure starts here. >> welcome back. a programming note for you tonight. take a look at the green. governor mike huckabee holding another presidential forum taking place with three of the republican candidates ahead of super tuesday and be sure to tune in here on the fox news channel, some of the widely reviewed and best reviewed of all of the presidential candidates, and huckabee doesn't allow the infighting.


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